Y.E.S. Driving School: Как нас найти
(718) 645-4555
Наш адрес
2246 65th St.
Brooklyn, NY 11204
Как к нам доехать
Из Манхэттена и Квинса :
Take Belt Pkwy East, Exit5 Bay Parkway, continue to 65th st., turn right. We are located betweenW 6th and W 5th street.
Из Стэйтен Айленда :
Take Verrazano Narrows Bridge, Belt pkwy East, Exit5 Bay Parkway, continue to 65th st., turn right. We are located between W 6th and W 5th street.
Из Лонг Айленда:
Take Belt Pkwy West, Exit5 Bay Parkway, continue to 65th st. turn right. We are located betweenW 6th and W 5th street.
Автобус или Метро
F train stop Ave. P
N train stop Bay Parkway/ave O
B6 stop 65th st.